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  • Dolly Parton | Imagination Library of Colorado | Denver

    BIBLIOTECA DE IMAGINACIONES DE COLORADO La misión de la Biblioteca de imaginación de Colorado es aumentar la alfabetización al garantizar que todos los niños pequeños en todo el estado puedan participar en la Biblioteca de imaginación de Dolly Parton. - Creemos que la lectura comienza al nacer , que los beneficios de una biblioteca en casa van más allá de los libros y que los padres y tutores son el primer y mejor maestro de un niño. - Al proporcionar libros sin costo a las familias , Imagination Library aumenta las tasas de alfabetización infantil, fomenta el amor por los libros y promueve una cultura de la lectura entre todas las familias de Colorado. Biblioteca de imaginación de Dolly Parton: amada por las familias, validada por la investigación By providing books every month at no cost to families , the Imagination Library increases childhood literacy rates, fosters a love of books, and promotes a culture of reading among all families in Colorado. Dolly Parton's Imagination Library: loved by families, validated by research INSCRIBIRSE RECIBE UN LIBRO GRATIS UNA VEZ AL MES Continuar DONAR AYÚDENOS A LLEGAR A CADA NIÑO EN COLORADO Continuar LITERATURA APRENDA POR QUÉ TEMPRANO ASUNTOS DE ALFABETIZACIÓN Continuar NOTICIAS MANTÉNGASE AL DÍA DE LOS LIBROS, EVENTOS Y OTRAS DIVERSIONES Continuar APOYAR LA ALFABETIZACIÓN DE LA PRIMERA INFANCIA Por los números 13,200 niños de Colorado reciben un libro cada mes 158 millones de libros y contando se han entregado desde 2005 a niños menores de 5 años. Los niños inscritos en DPIL tienen un 30% más de probabilidades Actualmente, Colorado tiene 26 programas de afiliados locales que prestan servicios en 22 condados. Nuestro objetivo es tener afiliados en los 64 condados de Colorado para 2023 Statewide Enrollment Map - November 2024 Imagination Library books are specially selected age-appropriate, high-quality titles. Our books are delivered to registered children each month from birth to the month of their fifth birthday. Each book is personalized with the child’s name and mailed directly to the child’s home. This creates a gifting experience, making books exciting, showing the child someone is thinking of them. Contact Us First name Last name Company Email Write a message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • News | ImaginationLibraryCo

    Actualización de las noticias News Governor Polis Hands Out Dolly Parton Imagination Library’s One-Millionth Book in Colorado On February 27, 2024, Governor Polis, joined by Representative Emily Sirota, Senator Jeff Bridges, and Imagination Library CEO Jack Tate, handed out the one-millionth book from Dolly Parton’s Colorado Imagination Library. Launched by Dolly in 1995 and expanded to Colorado in 2020, this universal book-gifting program was created to inspire a love of reading by gifting books to children (0- 5 yrs. old), free of charge through funding shared by local community partners. “Thanks to Dolly, more Colorado kids tumble out of bed, stumble to the kitchen, pour themselves a cup of ambition, and read from 9 to 5! It is important that at a young age, students have access to books to foster their love of reading. I’m thrilled that today I was able to hand out the one-millionth book. This heart-warming program brings so much joy to Colorado’s young readers and helps our kids grow into avid readers and learners. Thanks, Dolly!” said Governor Polis. More Governor Polis Signs New Law, Imagination Library Colorado Moves to CDEC On February 27, 2024, Governor Polis Signed HB24-1205, Colorado Imagination Library Program, sponsored by Representatives Emily Sirota and Rick Taggart, and Senators Rachel Zenzinger and Barbara Kirkmeyer. This bill transfers the operation of the Colorado Imagination Library from the Colorado Department of Education to the Colorado Department of Early Childhood and allows the library to partner with eligible non-profits to procure more books and expand the program's reach. More CDEC / ILCO Action Lab Report is Available! ILCO started partnering with the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab (Colorado Lab) in 2022 to evaluate the program. The evaluation focuses on estimating the causal impact of the program using a matched comparison design. The evaluation leverages historical data from parts of the state that have been participating in ILCO since before the pandemic. We invite you to review this September 2023 ILCO report on Early Literacy If you have questions about this informative report, please email us at Read Report Here Imagination Library of Colorado recibe el estatus de exención de impuestos La Biblioteca de la imaginación de Colorado recibió el estatus de exención de impuestos bajo 501c3 del Código de Rentas Internas Más Governor Polis Proclaims November as Family Literacy Month for Launch of Imagination Library in Colorado The state of Colorado recognizes the Month of November as time for each family to focus on reading and early literacy skills. Click more to view the Proclamation More Imagination Library of Colorado Launches to Provide Books to Kids across The Centennial State Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is launches statewide program to build affiliates in every county. The first year Imagination Library of Colorado will focus on: Partnering with local communities to bring Imagination Library programs to new counties. Our local partners are the heart of the program. They promote the program online and at in-person events, fundraise, and enroll children who live within their geographical area. More Colorado Awards Imagination Library of Colorado Contract Awarded in September of 2021, the contract begins mid October building a statewide network of nonprofits managing Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. The goal is to create an affiliate in every Colorado county and enroll 60% of children birth to 5. For more information, read an article on The Denver Post. More Gobernador firma el proyecto de ley del Senado 20-185 El gobernador de Colorado, Jared Polis, promulgó el Proyecto de Ley Senatorial 20-185, creando así el Programa de la Biblioteca de Imaginación de Colorado. El senador Jack Tate, uno de los patrocinadores principales del proyecto de ley, estuvo detrás del gobernador. Más Imagination Library of Colorado Receives Tax Exempt Status Imagination Library of Colorado Receives Tax Exempt Status under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. More

  • Become An Affiliate | ImaginationLibraryCo

    Give the Gift of Books to Children in Your County Steps to Become An Affiliate Step 1: Check Availability If you’re interested in starting an affiliate program for the children in your community, first check to see if the Imagination Library is already offered in your community. What do you need to consider to get started? Partnering with a Non-profit (501c3): We mail IL books at special non-profit mailing rates, and a non-profit partner must be involved to qualify for these rates. Registration & Enrollment Plans: How will your organization grow enrollment? The Imagination Library of Colorado staff can help you grow your program sustainably. Funding: You will need to identify financial support to sustainably cover the wholesale cost of the books and mailing. You will need to identify your service area and eligible 0-5 population. How much funding do you need for an Imagination Library program? Decide on the geographical area you think you would like to cover – such as a county, city, school district or zip code(s). The goal of Imagination Library of Colorado, and the State of Colorado is to have one affiliate in each of Colorado’s 64 counties so that all children in Colorado have access to enroll in DPIL Find the 0-5 population from a census website. Try FactFinder Enter the 0-5 population into the Cost Estimator on the DPIL website. (DPIL utilizes the most current Census data) The State of Colorado passed legislation subsidizing the cost of the monthly book invoice at 50%. Common financial supporters/non-profit partner: Service Clubs (Rotary, Kiwanis, Junior League, etc.) Friends of the Library Local foundations Local businesses Chambers of Commerce Individual donors School Districts Community Foundation Fiscal Agents Start your own 501c3 Step 2: Putting the Pieces in place Contact the Imagination Library of Colorado staff at to discuss your options Talk through service area & cost Work with ILCO and connect with Pam Hunsaker, DPIL Regional Director to complete the DPIL Affiliate Memorandum of Agreement Get the ILCO sample Memorandum of Agreement and New Affiliate Information Sheet – the two documents that we’ll put in place to outline our relationship and capture key information NOTE: all Colorado affiliates must complete a Colorado and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL) Memorandum of Agreement Step 3: Build your team Key roles to consider: Chairperson – a person to coordinate the effort Fundraising – to sustainably identify and collect local funds Enrollment – plan where and how to enroll children, oversee registration brochure distribution (if using) and marketing campaigns Database – entering new registrations, accepting pending online registrations, updating addresses, utilizing reports in the Book Order System (BOS) Community Outreach – collaborate with other local organizations and coalitions. Also may collect undeliverable books from your local post office Family Engagement – plans efforts to encourage parents to better engage their children through DPIL books and read more often *TIP – Also consider engaging other community partners to build coalitions and collective impact strategies. Ask your Regional Director for help with ideas and informative docs. Step 4: Fundraising Budget Engage your support team for contacts Consider putting together an advisory council to assist Identify potential funding partners and begin meeting with them *NOTE– At this point you should have a good plan outlined: an idea of the funds you will need, community details/facts and partners who are willing to help – this will all help make your ask more clear and direct. Step 5: Complete and Submit Required Affiliate Documents Return completed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and New Affiliate Information Sheet to Colorado’s Director of Affiliate Relations and the MOA to the DPIL. Affiliate Regional Director Submit USPS form 3623 or 3624 (if non-profit hasn’t already done so) to local post office and return the non-profit authorization code to your Regional Director You'll receive access to the Book Order System to learn the enrollment and mailing process Step 6: Make Final Preparations and Launch! BOOK ORDER SYSTEM LOGIN Receive your Book Order System login information and operations manual. Work with Colorado’s Director of Affiliate Relations to answer any questions and provide support to your organization. The database is not difficult to manage, but does take some time to learn. IMAGINATION LIBRARY PROFILE You will need to update your profile on the BOS portal so that the book return labels are correct, parents can contact you to edit or add registrations. You may include the name of your sponsor on the monthly labels if you choose. (recommended) ENROLL CHILDREN You may now enter registrations into the BOS. Email us to switch to Operating status when you are ready to begin accepting online registrations and start mailing books! WEBSITE Your affiliate information will be able to be accessed via the Imagination Library national website. You aren’t required to create, pay for, host your own website. Please contact ILCO for more information. COMMUNICATING WITH PARENTS: Set up a mail chimp account so that your organization can communicate with parents. While you are restricted from ever asking parents for donations, you can communicate program information, community events and resources, or share exciting milestones. LAUNCH Think about planning a launch event to build awareness and excitement. Consider working with ILCO to plan outreach and awareness. RESOURCES FROM DPIL & CO Utilize available resources: Promotional materials available via DPIL & ILCO Grant writing advice, Director of Operations & Grants Colorado’s Director of Affiliate Relations Imagination Library Affiliate Network

  • Reading to Your Child | ImaginationLibraryCo

    Reading to Your Child Why is Baby Communication Important at Birth? Nonverbal cues like eye contact, cooing, crying and listening are your baby’s “language” to tell you needs, wants, and feelings. When parents respond to their baby’s gestures, they are building the very architecture of their brain, determining the foundation for future language, communication, and relationship development. “Serve and Return” Interaction Shapes the Brain All you need do is smile, talk, sing, read, play and respond to your baby. It’s called “serve and return” interaction. This back-and-forth process is fundamental to the wiring of the brain, especially in the earliest years. Serve and return interactions help parents create a safe and secure environment for infants, and they help infants build a realization that they’re being taken care of and understood. 0-24 MONTHS Themes and Concepts Emphasis on the development of sight and vision with big text and bright colors Teaching sensory skills through touch with thick, board pages Rhyme and rhythm of words in a repetitive style Simple and easy-to-use everyday text for vocabulary development Minimal text with engaging, “point-and-say” illustrations Playful sounds of everyday characters and sing along text to enhance auditory skills Nurturing and attachment themes in sing-song pattern Tips to Try Help your baby to explore the book. Let your baby turn the pages, grab, or even chew on it. Point out interesting pictures and take the time to ask questions as you read. Say, “Look at the butterfly.” Cover it and ask, “Where is the butterfly?” Uncover it and say, “Peek-a-boo butterfly!” Stay on a page for as long as your baby is interested. Turn the page or stop reading when your baby looks away or seems tired or bored. Read with joy and excitement. Use different voices for different characters. Ask questions your child can answer by pointing. You can say, “Where’s the doggie?” or “Where’s the happy baby?” or “Who says meow?” Imitate the sounds your child makes while looking at a picture. Then add a very short phrase, such as, “Moo, the cow says moo.” Copy your reactions to the book you are enjoying together. Speaking in slow, short sentences and waiting for your child to take a turn talking helps him understand. Let your toddler give a picture a name; then add a comment like: “Yes, a plane! The plane is flying. The plane is flying in the sky.” Help your child pretend to be a character in a book. You can pretend to feed a baby or be puppies, barking and running after each other. 2 -3 YEARS Themes and Concepts Continue sensory concepts from year one and build upon them, such as sight, auditory, and touch skills Repetition of everyday words to build vocabulary development Predictability of plot lines to generate conversation and engagement Development of motor skills and accessibility for child to hold and turn pages Emphasis of “Self-help” activities – things children can do, things familiar in their daily life to build upon the story Use of real photo illustration child can recognize Familiar nursery rhymes with a focus on body awareness, teaching the child basic body parts Teaching basic colors, letters, and numbers Tips to Try Cuddle up with your child on your lap. Look at your child as you read. Let your child lead. Active Reading! In active reading, an adult shares a picture book with a child and provides the child with multiple opportunities to talk about and engage with the pictures, words and ideas in the book. CLICK HERE for great resources on Active Reading. Ask your child to point out things in the pictures and talk about them. Use the pictures to teach new words. Say, “See the trumpet? A trumpet is a loud instrument that makes music.” Then pretend to play the trumpet. Ask questions about the story. “What are the bears doing in this picture?” Pause and then help your child answer. Leave room for your child to make things up. Act out parts of the story. Use the story to start a conversation about something you and your child have done together. Start a conversation by repeating an important word your child has just said and wait for your child to say something more. Read with joy and enthusiasm! Use different voices for different characters. Count pictures and wait for your child to repeat the numbers after you. 4-5 YEARS Themes and Concepts More complex stories and characters featuring hero conflict and resolution More serious subject matter, teaching diversity of others, environment, and tolerance of different cultures Humorous stories with playful plotlines Continuation of familiar Nursery rhymes and poetry repetition Focus on school preparation and readiness Use rebus (pictures used for words) to develop reading comprehension Introduction of non-fiction titles and traditional folk tales Moral emphasis on gratitude and appreciation Tips to Try Read with expression, using different voices for different characters. Emphasize rhythms and rhymes in stories. Encourage your child to repeat what you say, comment on it, and ask questions. Place books in a child-accessible area, and give him a chance to choose his own books for story-time. Read stories again and again. Take the opportunity to familiarize your child with the alphabet. Ask your child to tell you about the pictures and the story. Point out colors, shapes, numbers, and letters and ask him to find them in the books you are reading together. Point out written words in the world around you, like on traffic signs and on food labels in the grocery store. Ask your child to find a new word each time you go out together.

  • Why Literacy Matters | ImaginationLibraryCo

    Validado por Investigación Colorado One Pager 23 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11 a. M. Estudio de Cincinnati 23 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11 a. M. Fútbol femenino vs.NYU 23 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11 a. M. Día de la Innovación 2023 23 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11 a. M. Orquesta Sinfónica Universitaria 23 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11 a. M. Elecciones del consejo estudiantil 23 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11 a. M.

  • Donate | ImaginationLibraryCo

    Give the Gift of Reading Give the gift of Books Your generosity ensures Colorado children enter kindergarten ready to succeed in the classroom and beyond. With the gift of books, you're helping to build a strong foundation for our babies to become Kindergarten ready

  • Reading Activities | ImaginationLibraryCo

    INVOLUCRARSE Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Es fácil. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí y podrá comenzar a agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Soy un gran lugar para que cuentes una historia y dejes que tus usuarios sepan un poco más sobre ti. solicitud de voluntario TRABAJAR COMO VOLUNTARIO Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Es fácil. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí y podrá comenzar a agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Soy un gran lugar para que cuentes una historia y dejes que tus usuarios sepan un poco más sobre ti. ESTUDIANTES Soy un párrafo. Haga clic aquí para agregar su propio texto y editarme. Es fácil. Simplemente haga clic en "Editar texto" o haga doble clic en mí y podrá comenzar a agregar su propio contenido y realizar cambios en la fuente. Soy un gran lugar para que cuentes una historia y dejes que tus usuarios sepan un poco más sobre ti. HÁGANOS SABER ACERCA DE SU EXPERIENCIA EDUCADORES COMENTARIOS SOBRE VIAJES DE CAMPO APLICA HOY

  • 2024 JAMBOREE | ImaginationLibraryCo

    2024 JAMBOREE Thank you for joining this year's Jamboree! ILCO hosted our annual Spring Jamboree with affiliates last week, May 9-10 in Denver. The Jamboree kicked off on Thursday evening with a cocktail reception with dinner, music, networking and Dolly trivia games. Speakers included: Governor Polis stopped by on Friday morning to celebrate the successes of the program with affiliates and to accept a signed photo of Dolly, Kelly Dunkin from Co Gives Foundation Brooke Seigle from Imagination Library Middle Tennessee/United Way of Greater Nashville; and a 3-part session on The Role of Books and Developmental Milestones with Dr. Michelle Shiffman , a pediatrician from Reach Out and Read, Heather Craiglow from CDEC/Head Start and 1st grade teacher Christy Howard from Steele Elem in Co Springs. Nicolle Davies, Allie Wegner (Co Labs), Michelle Anthony (Dollywood Foundation) also gave an update on Imagination Library state and national. 40+ affiliates from across Colorado attended. Video Series of Jamboree Sessions 1 – 4 Dr. Michelle Shiffman Heather Craiglow / CDEC Christy Howard, Steele Elementary Brooke Seigle Bright by Text Affiliate Share Out COLORADO LAB GRAPHIC Who's Who: Kelly Dunkin : joined Colorado Gives Foundation as President and CEO in February 2019. Previously, she worked for a variety of nonprofits, businesses and social impact organizations, including 11 years with The Colorado Health Foundation in Denver. Throughout her career, Kelly has earned many accolades, most recently being named one of the Denver Business Journal’s Most Admired CEOs. When she’s not working, Kelly enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, practicing Spanish, reading and getting outdoors mountain biking, skiing or trail running. Nicolle Davies : is the State Librarian of Colorado. Previously, she served as the Executive Director for Charleston Public Library and Arapahoe Libraries. In 2016, Nicolle was named Library Journal’s Librarian of the year for her dedication to “her unequivocal belief that libraries are essential services, not just ‘nice’ assets, and the best medium to achieve an informed citizenry.” Michelle Anthony : is a regional director for The Dollywood Foundation. She’s passionate about bringing positive change to her community, and has spent her entire career working in the non-profit sector for youth serving organizations. Michelle and her husband have two daughters, and all four of them are avid readers! Outside of reading, they enjoy watching the Denver Broncos, playing sports, spending time in the Rocky Mountains, and just being together as a family. Allie Wegner : is a former early childhood educator who is passionate about making systems work, particularly for communities placed at risk. Allie joined the Lab because she believes that smart policy and compassionate people can make daily life better for Coloradoans. Heather Craiglow: is the Director of the Head Start Collaboration Office at the Department of Early Childhood. Heather’s role is to provide leadership and facilitate collaboration among Head Start agencies and entities that carry out activities designed to benefit low-income children from birth to school entry, and their families. Dr. Michelle Stiffman : is the Medical Director for Reach Out and Colorado and is a bilingual Pediatrician at Denver Health. She is also the mom of an energetic toddler who has her reading "the little engine that could" from ILCO every night on repeat. Christy Howard: is a passionate 1st grade teacher from Steele Elementary who empowers her students to effect change. Inspired by the positive impact of Imagination Library, Christy created an entire curriculum around the teachings of Dolly Parton. Not only did her students meet state standards across multiple disciplines, but they raised over $1300 for Imagination Library. For her work as an educator, Christy has received numerous awards, including the Colorado Council for Social Studies’ Outstanding Educator of the Year award in 2018. Brooke Seigle : is the Senior Manager of Imagination Library of Middle Tennessee, serving children and families in Davidson, Sumner, and Williamson Counties with 50,000 young minds enrolled in the program and raising half a million dollars a year to support the effort. She is an avid outdoors woman with an inclination toward wild waters, climbing the tallest crags, and running the toughest trails. She is keen on loving children and making literacy accessible and equitable for all.

  • Check Availability | ImaginationLibraryCo

    Bibliotecas de imaginación de afiliados locales La biblioteca de la imaginación de Dolly Parton ha lanzado un programa estatal en Colorado para construir filiales financiadas de manera sostenible en cada condado. Durante el primer año, Imagination Library of Colorado se centrará en asociarse con las comunidades locales para llevar los programas de Imagination Library a nuevos condados y apoyar a los afiliados actuales para expandir su área de servicio. Puede que todavía no haya un afiliado en su vecindario, pero estamos trabajando arduamente para expandirnos y conectarnos con campeones locales para lanzar afiliados. Consulte la disponibilidad a continuación. Si desea recibir una notificación cuando se abra una sucursal en su área, regístrese con su correo electrónico a través de Visita Conviértete en afiliado para conocer qué se necesita para lanzarte en tu comunidad o apoyar económicamente a tu afiliado local. Consultar disponibilidad

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