Actualización de las noticias

Governor Polis Hands Out Dolly Parton Imagination Library’s One-Millionth Book in Colorado
On February 27, 2024, Governor Polis, joined by Representative Emily Sirota, Senator Jeff Bridges, and Imagination Library CEO Jack Tate, handed out the one-millionth book from Dolly Parton’s Colorado Imagination Library. Launched by Dolly in 1995 and expanded to Colorado in 2020, this universal book-gifting program was created to inspire a love of reading by gifting books to children (0- 5 yrs. old), free of charge through funding shared by local community partners.
“Thanks to Dolly, more Colorado kids tumble out of bed, stumble to the kitchen, pour themselves a cup of ambition, and read from 9 to 5! It is important that at a young age, students have access to books to foster their love of reading. I’m thrilled that today I was able to hand out the one-millionth book. This heart-warming program brings so much joy to Colorado’s young readers and helps our kids grow into avid readers and learners. Thanks, Dolly!” said Governor Polis.

Governor Polis Signs New Law, Imagination Library Colorado Moves to CDEC
On February 27, 2024, Governor Polis Signed HB24-1205, Colorado Imagination Library Program, sponsored by Representatives Emily Sirota and Rick Taggart, and Senators Rachel Zenzinger and Barbara Kirkmeyer. This bill transfers the operation of the Colorado Imagination Library from the Colorado Department of Education to the Colorado Department of Early Childhood and allows the library to partner with eligible non-profits to procure more books and expand the program's reach.

CDEC / ILCO Action Lab Report is Available!
ILCO started partnering with the Colorado Evaluation and Action Lab (Colorado Lab) in 2022 to evaluate the program. The evaluation focuses on estimating the causal impact of the program using a matched comparison design. The evaluation leverages historical data from parts of the state that have been participating in ILCO since before the pandemic.
We invite you to review this September 2023 ILCO report on Early Literacy
If you have questions about this informative report, please email us at

Imagination Library of Colorado Launches to Provide Books to Kids across The Centennial State
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is launches statewide program to build affiliates in every county.
The first year Imagination Library of Colorado will focus on:
Partnering with local communities to bring Imagination Library programs to new counties. Our local partners are the heart of the program. They promote the program online and at in-person events, fundraise, and enroll children who live within their geographical area.

Colorado Awards Imagination Library of Colorado Contract
Awarded in September of 2021, the contract begins mid October building a statewide network of nonprofits managing Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.
The goal is to create an affiliate in every Colorado county and enroll 60% of children
birth to 5.
For more information, read an article on The Denver Post.

Gobernador firma el proyecto de ley del Senado 20-185
El gobernador de Colorado, Jared Polis, promulgó el Proyecto de Ley Senatorial 20-185, creando así el Programa de la Biblioteca de Imaginación de Colorado. El senador Jack Tate, uno de los patrocinadores principales del proyecto de ley, estuvo detrás del gobernador.